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Application 2005-07-030 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Jul 11, 2005 Assent Application Received
Jul 12, 2005 Administrative Review for Completeness
Jul 19, 2005 Team Review for Completeness
Jul 19, 2005 Application Accepted
Jul 19, 2005 Category B assigned
Aug 01, 2005 HPHC Review Pending
Aug 01, 2005 Joint Public Notice
Aug 12, 2005 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect
Sep 12, 2005 Correspondence Received
Sep 13, 2005 Biologist Report
Sep 15, 2005 Correspondence Received
Sep 15, 2005 Correspondence Received
Sep 19, 2005 Additional Information Received
Sep 22, 2005 Correspondence Received
Sep 23, 2005 Engineering Report
Sep 23, 2005 Dredge Report
Sep 26, 2005 Executive Sign Off
Oct 01, 2005 Public Notice End Date
Oct 05, 2005 Ready to Schedule Semi-Monthly Meeting
Oct 05, 2005 Mail Agenda Notice
Oct 11, 2005 Continued Application by the Council
Oct 11, 2005 Semi-Monthly Meeting Date Scheduled
Oct 19, 2005 Mail Agenda Notice
Oct 25, 2005 Semi-Monthly Meeting Held
Oct 25, 2005 Council Approval Granted
Oct 25, 2005 Semi-Monthly Meeting Date Scheduled
Oct 25, 2005 DEM Dredge Permit
Nov 14, 2005 Stipulation Package from Biologist
Nov 14, 2005 Stipulation Package by Engineer
Nov 14, 2005 Typist for Processing
Nov 14, 2005 Executive Sign Off
Nov 14, 2005 Sent to Photo Copy
Nov 14, 2005 Permit Approved
Nov 22, 2005 Land Evidence Date
Nov 29, 2005 Legal Response/Decision
Dec 02, 2005 Under Review/Decision


File No
North Kingstown
First Name
RI Economic Development Corp.
Last Name
Patrol Road
15 Patrol Road
Decision Date
Nov 14, 2005
Dock Reg.No
revise-expand marina,52 to 67 slips,bulkhead restack riprap,dredge,boat storage building,landscape
Marinas (Alterations)
Water Area
Little Allens Harbor (North Kingstown)
Acceptance Date
Jul 19, 2005

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