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Application 2008-02-071 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Monitoring Report
Feb 25, 2008 Assent Application Received
Feb 25, 2008 Administrative Review for Completeness
Feb 26, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Feb 26, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Feb 26, 2008 Additional Information Received
Feb 26, 2008 Application Accepted
Feb 27, 2008 Category B assigned
Feb 28, 2008 30 day Public Notice Issued
Mar 10, 2008 Public Hearing Notices Mailed
Mar 12, 2008 Correspondence Received
Mar 29, 2008 Public Notice End Date
Apr 10, 2008 Engineering Report
Apr 11, 2008 Correspondence Received
Apr 22, 2008 Semi-Monthly Meeting Held
Apr 22, 2008 Council Approval Granted
Apr 22, 2008 Special Exception Scheduled for Semi-Monthly
Apr 28, 2008 Biologist Report
Apr 28, 2008 Stipulation Package from Biologist
Apr 28, 2008 Stipulation Package by Engineer
Apr 29, 2008 Typist for Processing
Apr 29, 2008 Executive Sign Off
Apr 29, 2008 Sent to Photo Copy
Apr 29, 2008 Permit Approved
May 08, 2008 US Army Corp of Engineers Permit Date
May 12, 2008 US Army Corps of Engineers Approval Received
May 12, 2008 Commencement of Work Notice received
May 19, 2008 Land Evidence Date
May 28, 2008 Commencement of Work Notice received
Jun 20, 2008 Monitoring Report
Jul 24, 2008 Monitoring Report
Aug 18, 2008 Modification Request
Aug 19, 2008 Administrative Review for Completeness
Aug 28, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Aug 28, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Aug 28, 2008 Typist for Processing
Aug 28, 2008 Executive Sign Off
Aug 28, 2008 Sent to Photo Copy
Aug 28, 2008 Monitoring Report
Aug 28, 2008 Modification Approved
Sep 09, 2008 Land Evidence Date
Oct 06, 2008 Legal Response/Decision
Nov 10, 2008 Correspondence Received
Nov 13, 2008 Correspondence Received
Nov 20, 2008 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed
Dec 10, 2008 Monitoring Report
Dec 15, 2008 Monitoring Report
Dec 18, 2008 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed
Dec 29, 2008 Correspondence Received
Feb 13, 2009 Monitoring Report
Mar 20, 2009 Monitoring Report
Apr 06, 2009 Monitoring Report
Apr 24, 2009 Monitoring Report
Sep 28, 2010 Monitoring Report
Oct 04, 2010 Modification Request
Oct 05, 2010 Violation Exists on this Site (NOV)
Oct 18, 2010 Deficient Application - Owner Notification Sent
Nov 17, 2010 Deficient Application Picked Up
Oct 14, 2011 Monitoring Report
Nov 05, 2012 Monitoring Report


File No
East Greenwich
First Name
Town of East Greenwich
Last Name
Crompton Avenue
Crompton Avenue
Decision Date
Apr 29, 2008
Dock Reg.No
Closure & restoration of Crompton Ave landfill
Brown Field site remediation/redevelopme
Water Area
Greenwich Cove
Acceptance Date
Feb 26, 2008

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