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Application 2011-07-028 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Jul 13, 2011 Dredge Application
Jul 13, 2011 Administrative Review for Completeness
Jul 14, 2011 Team Review for Completeness
Jul 14, 2011 Team Review for Completeness
Jul 14, 2011 Application Accepted
Aug 02, 2011 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect
Aug 12, 2011 30 day Public Notice Issued
Sep 12, 2011 Public Notice End Date
Sep 30, 2011 US Army Corps of Engineers Approval Received
Oct 06, 2011 Biologist Report
Oct 07, 2011 Engineering Report
Oct 12, 2011 Typist for Processing
Oct 12, 2011 Permit Approved
Oct 13, 2011 Executive Sign Off
Oct 13, 2011 Sent to Photo Copy
Oct 18, 2011 Water Quality Certification
Oct 24, 2011 Land Evidence Date
Oct 24, 2011 Land Evidence Date
Jan 25, 2012 Modification Request
Jan 26, 2012 Administrative Review for Completeness
Jan 26, 2012 Typist for Processing
Jan 26, 2012 Executive Sign Off
Jan 26, 2012 Sent to Photo Copy
Jan 26, 2012 Modification Approved
Apr 20, 2012 Land Evidence Date
Sep 10, 2012 Typist for Processing
Sep 10, 2012 US Army Corp of Engineers Permit Date
Sep 10, 2012 Correspondence Received
Sep 10, 2012 Modification Approved
Sep 11, 2012 Executive Sign Off
Sep 11, 2012 Sent to Photo Copy
Sep 12, 2012 Land Evidence Date
Sep 18, 2012 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed


File No
North Kingstown
First Name
Town of North Kingstown
Last Name
Allens Harbor Entrance
Allens Harbor Entrance
Decision Date
Oct 12, 2011
Dock Reg.No
maintenance dredging of allens harbor entrance
Dredged Material Disposal
Water Area
Allens Harbor - North Kingstown
Acceptance Date
Jul 14, 2011

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