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Application 2008-03-032 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Mar 06, 2008 Assent Application Received
Mar 10, 2008 Administrative Review for Completeness
Mar 12, 2008 Additional Information Received
Mar 14, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Mar 14, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Mar 17, 2008 Deficient Application - Owner Notification Sent
Mar 26, 2008 Deficient Application Picked Up
May 09, 2008 Deficiency Response Received
May 12, 2008 Administrative Review for Completeness
May 12, 2008 Application Accepted
May 19, 2008 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed
May 22, 2008 HPHC Historical Preservation Comments/Concerns
May 28, 2008 Correspondence Received
Jun 03, 2008 Typist for Processing
Jun 03, 2008 Executive Sign Off
Jun 03, 2008 Sent to Photo Copy
Jun 03, 2008 Permit Approved
Jun 03, 2008 Biologist Report
Jun 03, 2008 Engineering Report
Jun 05, 2008 Land Evidence Date
Sep 30, 2008 Modification Request
Oct 01, 2008 Administrative Review for Completeness
Oct 03, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 03, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 03, 2008 Deficient Application - Owner Notification Sent
Oct 08, 2008 Deficient Application Picked Up
Oct 16, 2008 Deficiency Response Received
Oct 16, 2008 Administrative Review for Completeness
Oct 16, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 16, 2008 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 17, 2008 Biologist Report
Oct 17, 2008 Engineering Report
Oct 20, 2008 Typist for Processing
Oct 20, 2008 Executive Sign Off
Oct 20, 2008 Sent to Photo Copy
Oct 20, 2008 Modification Approved
Oct 23, 2008 Land Evidence Date
Nov 18, 2008 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect


File No
First Name
Trustee, Edith
Last Name
McBean Newberry
Hazard Road
75 Hazard Road
Decision Date
Jun 03, 2008
Dock Reg.No
1 1/2 detached cottage,studio,utilities:mod to bury utility lines
Dwelling, Sewered
Water Area
Acceptance Date
May 12, 2008

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