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Application 2004-02-064 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Feb 23, 2004 Application Accepted
Feb 25, 2004 30 day Public Notice Issued
Apr 19, 2004 Aquaculture Council Report
May 11, 2004 Meeting Held
May 17, 2004 Aquaculture Lease Agreement Expiration Date
May 17, 2004 Permit Approved
Jul 13, 2004 Council Approval Granted
Jan 11, 2005 Aquaculture Lease Agreement Expiration Date
Jan 11, 2005 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
May 11, 2005 Aquaculture Bond Expiration
May 11, 2005 Aquaculture Bond Expiration
Feb 06, 2006 Aquaculture Lease Agreement Expiration Date
Feb 06, 2006 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Feb 07, 2006 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Nov 14, 2006 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Nov 14, 2006 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Nov 22, 2006 Aquaculture Lease Received
Oct 19, 2007 Site Inspection
Nov 02, 2007 Aquaculture Lease Mailed
Nov 30, 2007 Aquaculture Lease Received
Nov 30, 2007 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Nov 30, 2007 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Nov 24, 2008 Aquaculture Lease Mailed
Dec 17, 2008 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Dec 17, 2008 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Dec 19, 2008 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Dec 19, 2008 Aquaculture Lease Received
Dec 31, 2008 Aquaculture Lease Agreement Expiration Date
Dec 11, 2009 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Dec 31, 2009 Aquaculture Bond Expiration
Jan 10, 2011 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Jan 13, 2011 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Jan 09, 2012 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Feb 02, 2012 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Dec 11, 2012 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Dec 31, 2012 Aquaculture Bond Expiration
Jan 04, 2013 Aquaculture Bond Received
May 30, 2013 Aquaculture Bond Received
Dec 11, 2013 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Dec 11, 2013 Aquaculture Lease Payment
May 17, 2014 Aquaculture Lease Agreement Expiration Date
Dec 04, 2014 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Dec 04, 2014 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Jun 01, 2015 Aquaculture (no longer active)
Nov 13, 2018 Aquaculture Bond Received


File No
New Shoreham
First Name
Sun Farm Oysters
Last Name
Block Island Sound
Block Island Sound
Decision Date
May 17, 2004
Dock Reg.No
Aquaculture/Water Based
Water Area
Block Island Sound
Acceptance Date
Feb 23, 2004

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