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Application 2021-02-054 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Feb 12, 2021 Assent Application Received
Feb 15, 2021 Administrative Review for Completeness
Feb 16, 2021 Application Accepted
Feb 16, 2021 Project Manager
Feb 16, 2021 Comments Received
Feb 16, 2021 30 day Public Notice Issued
Feb 26, 2021 Comments Received
Mar 03, 2021 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect
Mar 15, 2021 Objections/Comments Received
Mar 16, 2021 Comments Received
Mar 16, 2021 Public Notice End Date
Jun 15, 2021 Objections/Comments Received
Jul 01, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 02, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 06, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 06, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 15, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 16, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 16, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 26, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 26, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 27, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 29, 2021 Comments Received
Jul 30, 2021 Comments Received
Aug 10, 2021 Comments Received
Aug 11, 2021 Comments Received
Aug 13, 2021 Letter of Support for Project
Aug 19, 2021 Comments Received
Aug 19, 2021 Comments Received
Aug 23, 2021 Entry of Appearance Received
Aug 24, 2021 Comments Received
Sep 28, 2021 Comments Received
Oct 12, 2021 Correspondence Received
Oct 29, 2021 Comments Received
Jan 24, 2022 Comments Received
Jan 24, 2022 Comments Received
Feb 11, 2022 Comments Received
Feb 17, 2022 Application Cancelled


File No
First Name
Last Name
Boehringer & Travis Lundgren
Sakonnet River North of Sapowe
Sakonnet River North of Sapowet Point
Decision Date
Dock Reg.No
Commercial lease site using floating and submerged gear for oysters & scallops
Aquaculture/Water Based
Water Area
Acceptance Date
Feb 16, 2021

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