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Application 2018-10-082 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Management Review
Management Review
Oct 22, 2018 Application Accepted
Oct 22, 2018 Federal Consistency Review Request
Oct 22, 2018 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 22, 2018 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 22, 2018 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 22, 2018 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 22, 2018 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 22, 2018 Team Review for Completeness
Oct 25, 2018 Additional Information Received
Dec 17, 2018 Entry of Appearance Received
Jan 22, 2019 Objections/Comments Received
Feb 02, 2019 Correspondence Received
Feb 15, 2019 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed
Mar 04, 2019 Public Notice Issued -- FedCon
Mar 11, 2019 Notice Advertisement confirmation
Apr 30, 2019 Public Notice End Date
Apr 30, 2019 Comments Received
May 01, 2019 Additional Information Received
Jun 25, 2019 Comments Received
Jul 02, 2019 Comments Received
Jul 30, 2019 Comments Received
Jul 30, 2019 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed
Jul 31, 2019 Additional Information Received
Sep 20, 2019 Additional Information Received
Sep 23, 2019 Additional Information Received
Sep 23, 2019 Additional Information Received
Oct 02, 2019 Additional Information Received
Nov 06, 2019 Additional Information Received
Nov 20, 2019 Additional Information Received
Dec 13, 2019 Additional Information Received
Jan 07, 2020 Correspondence Received
Jan 10, 2020 Correspondence Mailed/Faxed/E-mailed
Feb 13, 2020 Correspondence Received
Mar 03, 2020 Additional Information Received
Jun 17, 2020 Correspondence Received
Mar 12, 2021 Additional Information Received
Mar 18, 2021 Additional Information Received
Mar 26, 2021 Comments Received
Apr 01, 2021 Additional Information Received
Apr 05, 2021 Additional Information Received
Apr 06, 2021 Additional Information Received
Apr 30, 2021 Additional Information Received
Apr 30, 2021 Additional Information Received
May 03, 2021 Additional Information Received
May 25, 2021 Additional Information Received
May 28, 2021 Objections/Comments Received
Jul 01, 2021 Federal Consistency with Conditional Concurrence
Jul 01, 2021 Policy Review
Oct 20, 2021 Additional Information Received
Jan 18, 2022 Additional Information Received


File No
Atlantic Ocean
First Name
Last Name
Deepwater Wind South Fork
Atlantic Ocean 19 Miles SE of
Atlantic Ocean 19 Miles SE of BI
Decision Date
Jul 01, 2021
Dock Reg.No
15 Turbine Wind Farm and Cable Extension
Federal Consistency
Water Area
Acceptance Date
Oct 22, 2018

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