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Application 1935-01-001 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Sep 23, 1935 Application Accepted
Sep 25, 1935 Permit Approved
Feb 17, 2023 Plans Received
Feb 21, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Feb 21, 2023 Plans Received
Mar 09, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Mar 23, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Mar 23, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 04, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 05, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 10, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 11, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 11, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 12, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 12, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 12, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 13, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 14, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 14, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 17, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 17, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 18, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 18, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 19, 2023 Letter of Authorization
Apr 19, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 21, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 21, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 21, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 21, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 21, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 25, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 25, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 26, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 26, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 26, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 26, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 27, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Apr 27, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Jul 17, 2023 Remanded back to staff by Council
Jun 13, 2024 Additional Information Received


File No
First Name
Oakland Beach Boat Club
Last Name
Sea View Drive
Sea View Drive
222,222222,323 999999,324,325,
Decision Date
Apr 19, 2023
Dock Reg.No
Club House
Commercial Structure
Water Area
Brushneck Cove
Acceptance Date
Sep 23, 1935

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