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Application 2004-03-041 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Mar 09, 2004 Application Accepted
Mar 09, 2004 Category A assigned
Nov 04, 2004 Correspondence Received
Jan 21, 2005 Typist for Processing
Jan 21, 2005 Sent to Photo Copy
Jan 21, 2005 Permit Approved
Jan 25, 2005 Executive Sign Off
Feb 03, 2005 Land Evidence Date
Jun 15, 2005 Commencement of Work Notice received
Jun 20, 2005 Additional Information Requested from Applicant
Jun 20, 2005 Additional Information Requested from Applicant
Jun 20, 2005 Commencement of Work Notice received
Jun 26, 2006 Modification Request
Jun 27, 2006 Administrative Review for Completeness
Jun 30, 2006 Team Review for Completeness
Jul 17, 2006 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect
Dec 12, 2006 Modification Approved
Dec 12, 2006 Modification Correction mailed
Dec 12, 2006 Engineering Report
Dec 12, 2006 Assent Amended
Jan 03, 2007 Land Evidence Date
Jan 03, 2007 Land Evidence Date
Nov 20, 2007 Extension of Permit Request
Apr 10, 2008 Enforcement Compliance Inspection Required
Apr 11, 2008 Process Extension
Apr 11, 2008 Typist for Processing
Apr 11, 2008 Executive Sign Off
Apr 11, 2008 Sent to Photo Copy
Apr 11, 2008 Extension Approved
Sep 24, 2008 Correspondence Received
Sep 29, 2008 Water Quality Certification
Oct 01, 2008 Commencement of Work Notice received
Nov 18, 2008 Commencement of Work Notice received
Nov 25, 2008 Assent Addendum
Dec 12, 2008 Extension of Permit Request
Oct 21, 2009 Enforcement Compliance Inspection Required
Oct 21, 2009 Process Extension
Oct 21, 2009 Extension Approved
Jan 03, 2013 Extension Toll letter mailed
Jul 12, 2013 Extension Toll letter mailed
Jun 09, 2016 Extension of Permit Request
Jul 08, 2016 Extension Approved
Dec 14, 2016 Commencement of Work Notice received
Dec 28, 2016 Modification Request
Dec 29, 2016 Administrative Review for Completeness
Dec 29, 2016 Team Review for Completeness
Dec 29, 2016 Team Review for Completeness
Dec 29, 2016 Application Accepted
Jan 09, 2017 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect
Apr 27, 2017 Additional Information Received
May 08, 2017 Biologist Report
May 08, 2017 Engineering Report
May 10, 2017 Typist for Processing
May 10, 2017 Executive Sign Off
May 10, 2017 Sent to Photo Copy
May 10, 2017 Modification Approved
Jul 06, 2017 Land Evidence Date
Jul 06, 2017 Extension of Permit Request
Jul 07, 2017 Additional Information Requested from Applicant
Jul 19, 2017 Enforcement Compliance Inspection Required
Aug 07, 2017 Mail Agenda Notice
Aug 09, 2017 Additional Information Received
Aug 22, 2017 Continued Application by the Council
Aug 22, 2017 Semi-Monthly Meeting Date Scheduled
Aug 23, 2017 Mail Agenda Notice
Sep 12, 2017 Council Approval Granted
Sep 12, 2017 Semi-Monthly Meeting Date Scheduled
Oct 02, 2017 Extension Approved


File No
First Name
Capitol Properties
Last Name
Smith Street
80 Smith Street
Decision Date
Jan 21, 2005
Dock Reg.No
2-5 Level Apartment Buildings,retail space,parking structure,extend riverwalk;mod re lot numbers
Commercial Structure
Water Area
Moshassuck River (Prov)
Acceptance Date
Dec 29, 2016

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