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Application 2015-06-005 Details

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Action Date Action Description
Jun 01, 2015 Aquaculture Application Received
Jun 09, 2015 Aquaculture Administrative Review
Jun 09, 2015 Application Accepted
Jun 10, 2015 30 day Public Notice Issued
Jun 16, 2015 Water Quality Certification
Jun 18, 2015 HPHC Historical Preservation No Effect
Jun 22, 2015 Correspondence Received
Jul 10, 2015 Public Notice End Date
Jul 20, 2015 Objections/Comments Received
Aug 10, 2015 Public Notice End Date Extension Granted
Sep 01, 2015 US Army Corps of Engineers Approval Received
Oct 07, 2015 Aquaculture correspondence received
Oct 19, 2015 Aquaculture Report
Oct 22, 2015 Executive Signoff of Staff Reports
Nov 02, 2015 Ready to Schedule Semi-Monthly Meeting
Nov 12, 2015 Mail Agenda Notice
Nov 24, 2015 Council Approval Granted
Nov 24, 2015 Semi-Monthly Meeting Date Scheduled
Dec 10, 2015 Stipulation Package from Aquaculture Coordinator
Dec 21, 2015 Typist for Processing
Dec 21, 2015 Executive Sign Off
Dec 21, 2015 Sent to Photo Copy
Dec 21, 2015 Permit Approved
Dec 31, 2015 Category B assigned
Mar 01, 2016 30 Day Appeal Notification to Owner
Mar 01, 2016 Legal Response/Decision
Jan 13, 2017 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Jan 13, 2017 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Oct 03, 2017 Modification Request
Oct 03, 2017 Application Accepted
Oct 03, 2017 Aquaculture Report
Oct 03, 2017 Typist for Processing
Oct 03, 2017 Executive Sign Off
Oct 03, 2017 Sent to Photo Copy
Oct 03, 2017 Assent Amended
Oct 20, 2017 Correspondence Received
Oct 27, 2017 Aquaculture Lease Cover Letter sent
Dec 29, 2017 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Jan 30, 2018 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Dec 03, 2018 Aquaculture Lease Cover Letter sent
Jan 04, 2019 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Jan 04, 2019 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Aug 27, 2019 Assent Amended
Aug 29, 2019 Aquaculture Lease Received
Dec 10, 2019 Aquaculture Lease Cover Letter sent
Dec 19, 2019 Aquaculture Lease Payment
Dec 20, 2019 Aquaculture Bond Received
Jan 15, 2020 Aquaculture Yearly Questionnaire
Feb 28, 2020 Aquaculture Leases Combined


File No
First Name
Jennifer, Quonnie Oyster - Sca
Last Name
Quonochontaug Pond
Quonochontaug Pond
Decision Date
Dec 21, 2015
Dock Reg.No
one acre oyster farm
Aquaculture/Water Based
Water Area
Quonochontaug Pond
Acceptance Date
Oct 03, 2017

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